Why doesn’t nodejs Debian package provide the “node” binary used by all my tools?
Recently, I had to use my CI to host a new node project. Up until now I had it all setup and was already able to build, test & deploy other node projects. But, of course, this project was a little different from the others (no “special snowflake”, but still different ;) as it used gulp / browserify. My problem was that I could not run my gulp jobs on their own and would always get a “could not find ‘node’ : no such file or directory” error. I went ahead and checked and the same thing happened when I ran a few tests on my Ubuntu machine, it came as a bit of a surprise but then I remembered that I usually always use npm to run everything, not directly tools. But Node runs on those machines! So why the error message? :-/
The debian package deploys a
1 | nodejs
binary instead of 1
… that’s why! But why the odd naming? Everybody else uses 1
Let’s have a look at why =)